(302) 449-3837



Academically Ready

Summary List of Descriptors

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  • Individuals conceptualize, apply, synthesize, and analyze/evaluate gathered knowledge; students are open-minded, and respect both evidence and reasoning.  Individuals understand the “big picture.”
  • Individuals innovate to solve problems and develop unique solutions.
  • Individuals engage with complex texts, both fiction and nonfiction.
  • Individuals communicate effectively and compellingly through writing memos, letters, emails, texts, complex technical reports, and creative writing.
  • Individuals will be able to convey clear and concise thoughts in various forms of writing styles and samples.
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Individuals use mathematical tools, strategies, and procedures, to understand and apply mathematical concepts, and problem solve with reasoning skills. 

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  • Individuals possess understanding of scientific principles and procedures, including the physical world around them and how systems within it function; individuals utilize the scientific method to develop hypotheses, test theories, and draw conclusions.  
  • Individuals develop a keen appreciation of the arts in various forms; students understand the inherent culture of artistic expression.
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Individuals make a conscious effort to understand, and retain information conveyed by others; students are attentive, engaged, and provide feedback. 

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  • Individuals purposefully set short- and long-term goals; students are familiar with setting, pursuing, and attaining goals that are smart, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timed (SMART).  
  • Individuals are comfortable with reflecting on goals, and making adjustments as needed or appropriate.