(302) 449-3837



Future-Focused (Plans for the future)

Summary List of Descriptors

  • Individuals discover personal aptitudes and interests in order to explore career options. 
  • Individuals create secondary and post-secondary education plans that culminate in a comprehensive career plan.
  • Individuals hold realistic expectations of future options because students fully understand projected trends and demand within the workforce for own areas of interest; students are confident in aiming high, but also realistic in the understanding of expectations inherent within Career Pathways.
  • Individuals create a resume and obtain letters of recommendation to add to own portfolio.

Individuals assess post-secondary costs, financing options (such as the differences between loans and grants), and return on investment when determining career pathways and post-secondary areas of interest/focus. 

Individuals engage in work-based learning and industry-imbedded skills training and experiences; students matriculate to the post-secondary environment having participated in at least one experiential engagement at the secondary level.

  • Individuals are skilled at interviewing techniques, and are comfortable applying for a job/internship, interviewing for a position, applying for a scholarship, and negotiating an offer of employment.
  • Individuals understand the importance of relationship building through networking and are adept and comfortable in using networking skills.
  • Individuals set and attain goals in order to meet postsecondary and career plans.
  • Individuals are reliable and accountable; students set goals, review benchmarks, and complete tasks to accomplish the overall goal.