The Theatre Arts Pathway provides the opportunity to grow from a basic understanding of theatrical performance and production to the creation of theatrical works through analysis, synthesis, and observation. Students in acting classes will participate in dramatic activities and exercises aimed at teaching young actors how the body and voice play a role in the creation of a character. Through this study, students delve into script analysis as a means to understand and convey the playwright’s intentions. Students will study and perform scenes and monologues from classic and contemporary plays. Technical Theatre students will focus on theatrical design and construction.
Time requirements beyond the daily class period in the form of additional performance, workshop or technical lab time may be required and varies by class and level. For example, all students may be required to participate in a public performance for each theatre course in which they enroll.
Students in Theatre courses should speak with the instructor for further details about dates, times, and course requirements.
Students wishing to further their theatrical experience, have the opportunity to audition for an extracurricular Fall play or Spring musical production, or participate as a member of the Stage Crew. Extracurricular productions are open to all students and participation in a Theatre Course does not ensure that students will be cast in the extracurricular production.
1 Credit
Students enrolled in this course will be introduced to all major aspects of theatrical production. Units of study may include: introduction. to the theatre, costume design, set design, stage management, front of house and scenic painting. Students will be expected to help set-up school events and maintain the theatre–this is a hands-on course. They must participate in at least one public performance and will be required to participate in the technical side of a public performance which will require several hours after the school day. It is strongly encouraged that students attend professional performances throughout the school year.
1 Credit
Students enrolled in this course will continue their study of all major aspects of theatrical production. Units of study may include costume design, scenic design, scenic painting, set design, stage management, lighting design, front-of-house management, etc. Students will be required to participate in the technical crew of one of the major school productions.
1 Credit
Description Coming Soon!
1 Credit
Description Coming Soon!